Being in a car accident can be psychologically and financially taxing, the consequences to your health must also be taken into consideration. If you experience any kind of injury, you need to seek a doctor who specializes in injuries that result from automobile accidents. Aside from the complications that can arise from waiting, prompt documentation...
Monthly Archive: August 2021
“The biggest human temptation is to settle for too little.” – Thomas Merton Settlement before trial may the ideal goal for your personal injury claim, but as Thomas Merton so eloquently described, settling for too little would be a mistake. Whether you are dealing with the aftermath of a catastrophic injury, an auto accident, a...
“Negligence is the rust of the soul, that corrodes through all her best resolves.” – Owen Feltham, English Writer In many personal injury cases, especially automobile accidents, the victim who has suffered an injury relies on a legal concept – negligence – to establish another person’s fault for the elemental accident. What is Duty of...
Each year literally hundreds of thousands of Texans suffer personal injury of some kind that could have been avoided. Whether medical negligence, defective products, boating accidents, on-the-job injuries, traffic accidents, or any of dozens more typical causes, these injuries range from minor to severe to catastrophic. When these injuries are caused by the negligence or...
Catastrophic injuries cause lasting effects, and even if the injured person survives, his or her life is likely to be changed forever. Catastrophic injuries affect the family members of the injured, as well, especially if the injured person was the primary breadwinner in the home. Surviving family members often wind up being caregivers to the...
In August of last year, a New Jersey case attempted to hold a texter liable for injuries and damages caused by a driver who had just received a text from the texter. Can you be liable for sending a text to a driver? In this specific case, the judge ruled that a person may be...
Taking some simple precautions will help you in avoiding the most common types of car crashes, and these include: When driving, be prepared for the unexpected and have a plan of action in mind. Do not allow passengers to distract you by looking at them while you’re carrying on a conversation. Pay close attention to...
While sitting in bumper-to-bumper traffic, it can be easy to become jealous of George Jetson. With his futuristic flying car, he never had to worry about rush hour traffic. And to be honest, it is a little disappointing that we are not further along in this area. It is the 21st century! We should all...